Saturday 22 June 2024

Spiritbox "Rotoscope" (2022)


Succeeding their stunning debut Eternal Blue, this lively three track EP stands apart with a unique embrace of dance groove rhythms and EDM. Stepping aside from Ethereal atmospheres, two step grooves and subtle modern synths intertwine to bolster pummeling Djent guitars. Title track Rotoscope embodies this best, concluding with a burly monstrous break down to contrast its persuasive dance floor energy. 

Sew Me Up hints at heavy, guitars start with a stomp but swiftly pivot into the magic of LaPlante's voice, sailing into heavens. It too finds an outbreak of aggression, led by a rhythm section that syncopates to thuds with aesthetic satisfaction. Hysteria withdraws from these ideas somewhat, feeling like the typical track of the bunch yet ends with an utterly filthy and devastating, disgruntled song deconstructing break down.

From the outside listening in, Spiritbox achieve clear creative distinction here, a succinct snapshot of musical vision yet seemingly unfit to develop further into a full album. Its a curious approach for a Metal band, to focus on singles and individual songs. I'd originally glanced over a lengthy list of singles, assuming they were on an album so now I'm going through it all and this one turned up a couple of gems!

Rating: 5/10