Showing posts with label Silent Planet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Silent Planet. Show all posts

Monday 3 June 2024

Silent Planet "Superbloom" (2023)


Here's an interesting release labeled under the emerging Argent Metal genre. For their fifth outing, Progressive Metalcore outfit Silent Planet pivot to a Djent driven aesthetic redesign of brutality, envisioned by producer Mick Gordan with his iconic Doom soundtrack eight years back. Shades of the bands Metalcore origins mostly remain in vocalist Garrett Russel's raging throaty shouts and bitting lyrical cadence. Otherwise, they have fully embraced a fusion of low end guitars with Industrial synths to layer on dense, rhythmic shunting of force as the driving component in the music.

Superbloom has a clear artistic vision I haven't fully clicked with, an aesthetic smothering, powerful and intense yet often lacking melody and memorability. Its meaty slabs of rhythmic assault seem to miss out on the groove or elastic sway others like Meshuggah have used to bring me around. Behind theese jolting punts of guitar noise, darkly synths lay interwoven, reinforcing momentum and often providing a luminous sense of color. Its sadly just aesthetic dressing in absence of melody. Occasionally swift arpeggios emerge, or swelling chords but always lacking a hook.

The best moments come in climaxes, where intensity surges with a luminous stream of color blooming through its dense synth design. A peak blesses the album on its title track conclusion, tying a bow on its conceptual nature as "I'll rest for now in the Superbloom" leads into a stunning glide of epic proportion. These ascending sections were my favorites among a looping slog of sporadic fret-board leaping riffs that carried little meaning beyond the fist throwing aggressions of jolting Djent guitars.

In conclusion, I've spent enough time to acknowledge Superbloom's class yet find myself not fully sold on this new aesthetic direction. Its gorgeous to listen to but the songwriting suffers as its tracks drift into mood, rather than casting one under its spell to march to its beat. The idea of Argent Metal has its merits but until it delivers something truly innovative in terms of song writing, it will mostly feel like cosmetics.

Rating: 6/10