Saturday 4 November 2023

Kyros "Esoterica" (2023)


Although just a three track single, Esoterica's lengthier twenty minutes make it feel worthy of comment. The music however, certainly perks the ears! Bright, luminous, bold and daring, Kyros take the glory of Progressive instrumentation head on. The wall of sound production and glossy finish celebrates their musical artistry with unrivaled vibrancy on all fronts. Punchy expression and warming hooks feel stacked, complimenting layers of sound, yielding a sonic aesthetic housing ripe song writing.

 Its opening title track infuses and grossing percussive dance floor energy. As one is pulled in by its cruising pace, classic House pianos hit to affirm its inspirations before embarking on a jiving instrumental foray. The cohesion is superb, gears shift as we propel down a musical highway. The following Illusions Inside takes a steadied yet punchy approach with its drums. Slow yet big grooves carefully guiding us into its magnetic climax. The vocal arrive in a crooning swell, masculine and effeminate voices exchange lyrical expressions, harmonizing in a captivating spell.

its ten minute closer, The End In Mind, had less sway over me. In comparison, it didn't quite connect with a focal feature yet the song meanders all over the place like a jam session recurring to a theme on occasion. Its impressive, lots of remarkable dexterous performances yet not quite ticking the memorable box. Good to see this band are in a wonderfully creative place! I wonder if these songs will appear on a record soon.

Rating: 5/10