Wednesday 5 June 2024

Bring Me The Horizon "Post Human: Nex Gen" (2024)


Five years on from the opinion dividing Amo, a diverse yet trendy leaning record, Bring Me The Horizon return again to the cutting edge of catchy, tuneful Metal. We got a whiff of this feisty spirit on preceding EP Survival Horror. The Post Human series continues in aggressive glory as the group nail down a solid set of songs, remaining intense and lively while skirting edges with Pop Rock melodies and Post-Hardcore creativity. Weighty sonic riffs and the mania of glitchy frenzied synths in its extremes, yet gracefully swaying into the arms of Pop sensibilities through Ollie's knack for catchy, ear worm choruses that hook into the vulnerability of your personal emotions.

Lyrically, the theme continuously hinges on negative internal dialogs, spinning the words of self doubt and inner turmoil into anthemic sing-alongs. These songs pair their tuneful inflections with words for strongly palatable emotions we have all experienced. Its cathartic, yet hollow. A spin machine twisting hurtful self talk into spirited release yet little of matured substance lies below the surface of these catchy cadences.

Originality is always a curiosity with Bring Me The Horizon, a line can always be traced elsewhere, some echos, obvious or vague, to other bands and genres. Although a favorite song of mine, Limousine blushes in its naked Diamond Eyes era Deftones demeanor. Even Ollie sings to Chino's tune as the low-end guitars crunch and peruses with the lunging gravitas of Steven Carpenter's definitive style.

Many other influences make themselves known too but ultimately this record boils down to song writing, which they have lock and key. As always, these musicians know how to forge musical ideas into apt structures that revel in their merits. Each song feels fully realized as riffs, melodies and hooks land without fail. Their unconventional side shines bright too, the OST interludes breaking the flow for spicy deviations.

Aesthetically, density is a delight. A tight production bordering on wall of sound, as guitars often get lost in the weave of electronic noises. Glitchy bursts of color and vibrant synths intermingle, deepening the experience as its pivots and transitions invite a flavorful diversity steadily becoming more frequent in modern Metal. For me, this is an unsurprising assemble of many proven ideas wielded to their Pop Metal writing. Its nothing they haven't done before, the true test will be how long these songs will stick around for. I have a feeling this ones got a handful to go the distance.

Rating: 7/10