Monday 1 July 2024

Thrown "Extended Pain" (2022)

With Spotify turning me onto the modern Hardcore scene, these German slammers have caught my ear. A no nonsense, straight to the point, meat and bones approach has snappy songs swiftly erupting into frenzies of groovy anger. Roaring riffs, sporadic dissonance and infuriated shouts. These eleven minutes charge head first through spiraling manic intensities. Often, they lead into gratifying beatdowns.

Nothing new but where they excel is aesthetic production. Down tuned guitars froth and revel with a Djent tilted intensity. Dirty obnoxious bass rumbles beneath, adding a gritty texture. Syncopated drums with tight and snappy kicks reinforce the rhythmic drive, pushing much of the music forward on its fist throwing march.

A few cuts of brief atmosphere and layers of dystopian melody spice things up on occasion but their main charm is delivering on that enthralled rage that spews forth unrelenting. A promising debut, it will be interesting to see where they go from this solid introduction. With a string of singles out, looks like another record nearby.

Rating: 5/10