Saturday 21 September 2024

Oscillotron "Oblivion" (2024)

This artist made quite an impression on me! Their crafty approach to dark atmosphere through delicate, minimal synths has been a delight to return to over the years. Now trading in the stellar visions of astral tension and alien mystique, Oscillotron returns eight years on to abandon inspired compositions in favor of a dull monotonous drone.
Oblivion is unrecognizable, a reeking fuzz of noise to drown too. A blurry haze of hellish bass distortion, muddling through the cracks within its own distortions. The wall of sound makes for brooding, ominous tension, until a few minutes in you realize this is the entire hour, offering rumbles and blemishes as its only discernible distinctions.
Drone Metal isn't my cup of tea and the bleak aesthetic on offer does little to impress as a lone offering. Although crafting this particular growl might have been a feat to accomplish, its enduring stay is not. Unlike some other spacey drones I have enjoyed, this pale vibe feels hollow an empty in comparison, a drab rot to rid oneself of.

Rating: 0/10