Showing posts with label An Old Sad Ghost. Show all posts
Showing posts with label An Old Sad Ghost. Show all posts

Thursday, 10 June 2021

An Old Sad Ghost "Coffin (A Letter For Carmilla)" (2018)

After the disappointing Wampyr we move onto the second of three picks from a list of so called "Vampire Synth". I'm please to say An Old Sad Ghost offers much more in its darkly theme and churchy mood but still falls short of the Nosferatu chills I was hoping for. Its a brief nineteen minutes, split into seven roman numeric chapters. They are all choral organ pieces conjuring a slight macabre Gothic charm. It mostly gives a sense of per-enlightenment times, its big foggy organs filling the firelight halls of some weathered cathedral.

Its small selection of organ and airy synth tones are most likely virtual instruments. Its programming shows itself as the "paying" comes with a consistent attack and sustain that offers little in the way of expression through nuance and subtlety. Given some of its arrangements generate simple rhythms with its harsh deadening of repetitive notes, it can be a distraction that an analog performance would of elevated. Its mixing is also a little crass with the instruments routinely rubbing into one another with the mechanical resilience its virtualized reality amplifies.

Flaws aside, Coffin evokes a warm and glowing sense of being sheltered from the grave and despaired. Its aesthetic gloomy, menacing and foreboding yet the majority of melodies performed feel confident, sheltered and warm. Often with this type of music I comment on the "distance from danger" yet here it feels as if all danger is removed entirely from this rather glum and grim temperament. Occasionally its notations peer into something more sinister but its only ever brief.

There is no doubt the music has some bold ideas, resonating with the imagination for ancient realms and cultural mystique. This polishes its apparent flaws. As a lone piece with no vocals, bass or percussion its strengths seem held back. With more love and care these compositions could be truly captivating. Currently they are not, for reasons aforementioned. This record will most likely drift from consciousness however It will hold its spell whenever I return to it. My final thought is the key question, does it inspire the "Vampire Synth" genre name? I think not, but given whats out there, this feels more Vampiric than other Dungeon Synth records that come to mind.

Rating: 4/10