Showing posts with label Mountain Realm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mountain Realm. Show all posts

Tuesday, 7 May 2024

Moutain Realm "Frostfall" (2024)


A soft, recent fondness for Greyshadow Ruins had initial excitements lulled by the subdued nature of this tempered beast. Mountain Realm caught my ear for a shapely craft of Dungeon Synth venturing into the darker leanings of Fantasy themes with a meditative quality. Frostfall aptly achieves this again, yet to less fanfare with familiarity taking hold. This similarly structured set of short synth pieces is the quieter of the pair. Routinely drifting into glacial strides devoid of any urgency, a glum dankness steadies as its main thematic feeling, fit for the damp dark dungeon realms it clearly aspires to.

Stripped out are the moments of reprieve from a gloomy yet meditative nature. On the prior record, sparkly melodies would flux from ambiguities into focus, creating a sense of spectacle among these sullen tones. Here they are suppressed, present but drawn further into retreat. We trudge through fuzzy murmuring of ambling bass. Organ like synths drone with sombreness, even choral chants seems burdensome and lonely.

The whole record dials into its own shadow. Seemingly a negative, yet only when trying to focus on its present merits. Leave this on in the background and calmly, without notice, will it delicately transcend your surroundings, ascending to somewhere sequestered, cloudy and dead yet spiritually soothing and serine. Its an odd record to enjoy, brilliant in its own peculiar way, yet tired on these old ears for now.

Rating: 4/10

Thursday, 21 March 2024

Mountain Realm "Greyshadow Ruins" (2023)

Imbued by the powers of thematic suggestion, Greyshadow Ruins' sleeve artwork and track titling aptly fits the dusky, seldom mood that awaits within. An array of Casio and Korg akin keyboard synths greets us, whispering cautious tales of what once lurked in this now abandoned place. Dressed in glum, dusty aesthetics, each of these brief stints ventures upon forgotten tales and mythic settings to fulfill its titles promise.

Mountain Realm takes an even handed approach, an acute balance of mystic synth tones, edging towards a minimalist design at times. I most adored this eerie, curious magical glistening sound that emerged from blurry shadows on tracks like Crystal Pool, Goblin Cave, Pyre & Mana Flask. Its other half, a more traditional castly vibe, conjures familiar nostalgia's with a smidge of Wizzards and Orcs battle fever.

Dungeon Synth has been thoroughly explored by this traveler, not much surprises me now. Competent executions of familiar inspirations like this are enjoyable but leaves me stumped when it comes to finding words. I end up repeating myself, as does a fair bit of this record in terms of retreading territory. There is potential here, yet currently it fits well within the confines of expectation from a genre I adore but lacks progression.

Rating: 5/10