Showing posts with label One Arc Degree. Show all posts
Showing posts with label One Arc Degree. Show all posts

Wednesday, 15 January 2025

One Arc Degree "The Forest And The Milky Way" (2023)

Inconsequential! That's the word I've been seeking. A peaceful setting, absent of self. This describes my current obsession with these meditative Psybient sleepers. One Arc Degree's prior effort didn't resonate quite like this one. With soft touches of Yagya alike dreamy Downtempo droning, The Forest And The Milky Way toys with Cosmic Ambience aesthetics as steady thuds of percussive life pull us through serine soundscapes that swell and contract through luscious layers of shimmering synths. Its sweetest fruits emerge through covert arrivals. The driving kick bass locks in with an emergence of soft snare and quiet cymbals, conjuring a hazy dancefloor energy.

Its construct sequences lengthy songs dwelling on an aesthetic tones. Instruments gracefully dodge melody, lurching in limbo, toying with their own ambiguity. A web of sounds hang in perpetuity, whirling, murmuring, drifting on by without a care. The result is soothing, meditative, blending earthly vibes with astral synths that land in their own strange yet welcoming space. My preferred tracks lure me in to a deep calm, the others pass by without concern. Its a wonderful listen. The moments that spin to my rhythm are entrancing. Its not the entirety of the record but worthy of much merit!
Rating: 7/10

Friday, 5 May 2023

One Arc Degree "The Ocean Palace" (2016)


Lately, I've been on an ambience oriented, cosmic themed, spacey vibe Pysbient kick. Whatever fancy words I throw at it, their is a niche in me for this temporal, meditative music that's been difficult to satisfy. The crossover territory of Psychedelia and Ambient in an astral setting slices like a blade, either immensely satisfying or rather dull. This is one of two recently discovered albums that fall precariously in the middle, leaving me unable to make up my mind. No doubt however, this one will make my "temporal focus" playlist for when in need of a restful yet channeled mind.

The Ocean Palace has a sense of stillness on arrival, as if the astral activity is elsewhere. One observes from a desolate planet, as the stars and skies above bustle with activity. This feeling evaporates as its tracks steadily bloom. Thumping bass percussion builds, each track running a similar trajectory with increasing intensity.

With Kraken Mare the record pivots to its textural offerings, different flavors of dense airy ambience and complimenting illusive melodies. Every songs feels tangled in a web of noise work, quirk sounds and details rumbling in and out of focus on mechanical rotations. It creates a sense of alien activity, not understood but observed. With Hydrogen Times Pi, a strong sense of influence emerges, the echos of pioneers Carbon Based Lifeforms brews as its lead melodies take on a similar character.

As I mentioned, this well fell in the middle, not quite as captivating but certainly not bad. Saturn Rising felt like its defining song and the ambience was pressured by a slamming sub bass drum and rapid clicky noises. Quite the contrast, that birthed an interesting atmosphere. I won't go deeper with this artist but the search is still on!

Rating: 5/10