Seven years on from the lively Hardwired, a surprising return to form, these aging veterans rebound on a thematic feast revolved around struggles of the first eighteen years in ones life. As a lengthy seventy seven minute chunk of straightforward Metal, 72 Seasons has many subtle shades of Metallica as we have gotten to known over the decades. Leaning on its appealing metallic aesthetic, the group push distilled ideas in there simplest form, running through an arsenal of mid tempo riffs with occasional the sprints of frantic tempo and flashes of crafty low end groove.
Hetfield's tandem voice and guitar assault is the principal appeal, his talent, flair and expectant demeanor still a delight as he ages gracefully. Although somewhat a predictable style, repeated listens will have his chemistry getting wedged in your mind with many infectious hooks sinking in. With sticks in hand, Ulrich splatters his flat, bland and dull drumming down with that familiar sense of asking is it understated genius or the power of Hetfield carrying him by? I think the latter. Hammett and Trujillo have muted rolls. Robs baselines a powerful compliment when deviating from mirroring the riffs. Kirk shows up for thrashes of his distinct fret shredding yet barely a fresh idea is heard. It really feels like James is the driving force on this outting.
On first impressions, the album seemed reliably competent. Nothing daring, a safe bet. Yet with repeated listens I must admit many of its understated, mid-tempo Load era songs became favorites. Faster hitting songs nail the feel of Hardwired and Moth Into Flame but without a special sparkle. That ended up becoming my main takeaway. For all the indulgence in a love of Metallica, it lacked something to break the mold.
Throughout 72 Seasons the group retread old ground, leaning into classic Thrash riffs perhaps better shredded by other acts from the genres heyday in the eighties. Another subtle gripe, its song structures lean fondly into lengthy arrangements that seemingly cycle riffs in masterful arrangements. Yet they all lack that climatic surge into the unexpected. Thinking back over their classics, many early songs broke ground with daring, unforgettable ideas that justified such lengthy assembles. This record feels more like an easily digested Black Album approach, just stretched out.
With a dash of daring and heavy curation, the offerings here could have rattled off at a dazzling pace, making for an exciting whirl of new riffs from the arsenal. The repetitious guitar led drive gets a little too comfortable with itself, landing the record on a fair mediocrity instead. Its competent, hard hitting and fun but falls short of anything special. I am still enjoying this one though! After a healthy binge it does feel as if many of these new cuts will tire before long. Only time will tell, but I'd keenly bet on it.
Rating: 6/10