Showing posts with label Native Construct. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Native Construct. Show all posts

Sunday, 27 December 2015

Native Construct "Quiet World" (2015)

Recommended to me as a cross between Haken and Opeth I couldn't pass up the promise of some epic Progressive Metal which Ive been enjoying over the festive season. This is the American three piece bands debut record released on Metal Blade Records and they will no doubt go on to become a popular band in the Progressive Metal scene that never seems to be short of new and promising acts.

The records colorful, lush and bountiful cover is a fair representation of the music that's full of bright and imaginative adventures unfolding within the organic flow of its ever changing passageways. Its quite an atypical and expected sound for the scene, but executed to a high standard within a flawless production of instruments captured in a luminous glory that's a simple pleasantry for the ears.

The record falls short in making its mark, defining what makes it unique in two different senses. Firstly no distinct characteristics in tone, delivery or composition jump out, for example a band like Opeth have Akerfeldt's voice and recognizable character in the guitars. On a second front the broader sense of themes within the songs never made themselves known. With a wide range of ideas and genre bends the record effortlessly flows and transition between extremes but it never make much sense of itself. Moving from doom blast beats and growls to serene ethereal synths and chilled, laid back rhythms sounds brilliant but its following a path that leads nowhere. As much as I enjoyed every listen, the songs never amounted to an experience where I could see the full picture. I don't want to put this one down yet, I hope with a few more listens it will make sense but it feels unlikely.

Rating: 6/10