Monday 20 June 2022

Warpaint "Heads Up" (2016)


Reflecting on the fractured minutia of details between Warpaint and Radiate Like this, this record between has been striking. With every project, this Los Angeles quartet of Post-Punk women reorient their sound slightly. Of course, most bands bring a flavor to each record. So whats peculiar? The vibrancy falters when just a few dials are turned. Heads Up is marginally rawer, a little grit and glumness in its moody garage aesthetic has tits allure evaporate on the solemn road in treads, both aesthetic and in spirit.

New Song, The Stall & So Good sit early in the lineup. Together, and with a gloss of colorful reverb, parts of these songs steer into luminous strides of warmth backed by groove and attitude. Despite this streak, the rest of the record is bleak and moody. The dreamy singing of Kokal often drifts into this pale. Bass lines become deep dreary murmurs, lacking a feisty punch. Guitars shimmer impressionable noises alongside fractions of riffs. It amounts to this self indulged soundscape of unassailable blues.

For this listener, the record just didn't click. Its shadowy tone wasn't resonate, passions were dulled and its chromatic aesthetic didn't sparkle. In the aforementioned songs, an upbeat stride, a touch of smiley warmth gave it momentary gusto. Otherwise these songs mostly reveled in their own identity, unable to amplify the expression. With unhurried pacing and reveling in its bleakness, this was a tire on most listens. Perhaps more enjoyable with less attentive focus when in the background. Quite disappointing.

Rating: 4/10