Monday 18 July 2022

Regina Spektor "Home, Before And After" (2022)


Six years have whizzed by since Remember Us To Life. An impression was left, one of age and fragility, a beautiful moment of vulnerability captured on Obsolete. That emotive power of honest introspection has felt absent on this newest venture. Regina goes through the motions with embellished instrumentals, a far cry from the origins of her lone voice and piano. Still singing in her cutesy quirky cadence of whispers and wordplay, the synergies between intention and expression seem bold and obvious.

Home, Before And After mostly struggles with if that synergy clicks. Each song has its own character, often emphasized more by the extended array of warm instrumental sounds than Regina herself. On-boarding lavish string sections and 80s Synth Pop tones among others, the album cycles through bright and varied aesthetics. So often do they burst to life with emphasis and purpose, as if to say the words not spoken.

Its simplest song, Raindrops, was my favorite. Just her delicate voice and a soft piano. Humming tunes along the way, the endearing Regina emerges in her element. Many of the other songs have these humble beginnings too. Yet they often stray into the crescendo, a need to swell and bloom in extravagant conclusion. From a song writing perspective, its well orchestrated but on this outing the big production stripped out her charming personality. The instrumentals seem to drain Regina's unique vibe. They drift away from the magic, a soft, subtle and calming setting she is more suited too.

Rating: 5/10