Thursday 1 December 2022

Dimmu Borgir "Dust Of Cold Memories" (2022)


With a lyric plucked from Absolute Sole Right as its title, Dust Of Cold Memories accompanies the recent Remixed & Remastered celebration of Puritanical Euphoric Misanthopia. Comprised of two halves, The Kolbotn Tapes and Prepod Session, these aged, degraded demos offer a curious insight into the albums creative process. The five Preprod songs are most intriguing. Recorded before all elements had converged, they play with many missing pieces and placeholders around its core musical ideas.

One of the PEM's finest crafts, Blessings Upon The Throne Of Tyranny, stands apart in its nakedness, the arsenal of razor grinding riffs completely absent. Hearing it at this stage illuminates their creative process. We see etchings of inspiration converge not unlike how you might of expected. With such a riveting rhythm guitar performance, I would of strongly guessed it was central to its formation but apparently not so. The other tracks aren't as insightful. One can hear absent contributions and entirely dropped ones too but mostly these songs arrived at this stage relatively fleshed out.

Of the Koltbotn Tapes, Fear & Wonder stands rather distant from its final incarnation with a persistent militant snare and bare piano chords. The other five arrive in varying fidelity. Loud clicking drums, occasional shouts and voices are heard, along with roomy rehearsal room ambiences being a common trait. With the songs fully formed out this point, they simply play like demos prepared before entering the studio.

Rating: 4/10