Sunday 23 June 2024

Pallbearer "Mind Burns Alive" (2024)


Dreary, tender and burdensome, grisly groans of weighty emotion toy with sullen, melancholic strides of vulnerable melody. They flicker like flashes of sunlight through autumnal leaves, clinging for life on old trees. Pallbearer's rural guitar distortions and laggard, lunging rhythmic groves paint an effigy stripped of all but natures pains. Front man Campbell drifts an honest voice into sombre innocences. Bare, naked and hurt, they humble, swelling into cathartic shouts and memorable tunes to land his words.

Mind Burns Alive's music sways intensities gently, brewing gusto with subtly, gradual aches blossom as a roaring beautiful gravitas emerges in conclusion. Its earthly tone persists, almost Heathen in nature. Song after song displays wounds to be wound up into heavy-hearted reflections that escape true relief. Depression lingers, hung in a curious balance, gloomy yet a dim flicker of hope survives, only to be snuffed out.

The sunny shimmer of its naturalistic opening acoustic guitars swiftly retreat into a glum foray led by saddening lyrics. It sets one up for a riveting ride through bi-polar extremes, yet past the opening pair, balance starts drifting in mercy to a darker persuasion. As the album blooms early on, its lengthy ending circles on itself, persisting further into its oppressive sorrows. This sadly soured an otherwise deep piece of music that defines itself clearly, to take one along on a spellbinding journey.

Rating: 7/10