Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Willow "Ardipithecus" (2015)

Concluding our Willow journey at its origins, her debut album Ardipithecus limps by briefly tarnished with naive youthful philosophies and half measures of fresh faced introspection. At the age of fifteen, who wouldn't of expected such lyrical expressions?Heated by moments of pseudo-science suggestion and star sign akin mysticism, it can be a touch nauseous, however the bulk of her words play fair and fine.
What I had not anticipated was the musical chemistry that lays in wait. Its eleven songs play like bedroom jams, simplistic unions of basic drum patterns and ruminating instruments muddying over simple melodies on loop. It leaves spacious atmospheres, minimal yet curious as its ideas defy expectation, drawing from different spaces.
The records persuasive charm emerges where her voice meets the music. Sounding free spirited, soulful and unafraid, a lack of filter finds gratifying unions with these dialed back instrumentals. She sways to her own rhythm, backing vocals often chiming in off key, manipulating the many peculiar moods this tandem evokes.
It takes a few spins for things to click into place. Willow has an ear for something unique and here it arrives raw and curious, yet is delightful to indulge with. One will find favorite flavors among their travels. Randomsong stuck me as the strangest of all. Its perusing, noir baseline broods akin to a Rollins Band interlude, yet she meets its energy on her own terms. One oddity among the many trinkets here.
Rating: 6/10