Friday 18 June 2021

Wampyric Solitude "Darkness, Beloved And Eternal" (2020)


This shall be my last Wampyric Solitude record for now. Wedged between Carpathian Melancholy and Spectral Kingdom Of Nocturnal Sorcery, this one seems to be apart from a perceived downwards slump from its lonely yet enchanting origins. Working with shorter compositions again, its escapades resemble that of its inception, brief and strange encounters with a darkness of solitude, lacking any antagonism or fear of another entity. Its opening track deploys gorgeous stoic strings, yearning across the horizon. Scenic in scope and brooding with loneliness, its presence is rather grabbing. This might be the most Vampiric discovery so far.

The following track drifts back with the same strings into the background. Dense drums strike softly in reverberation giving a sense of sequestering. They rise in volume towards the end but ultimately this song feels like an intentional shadow of what came before. Any trajectory this might of entailed feels entirely swept away as the plucked strings of an over-driven guitar ushers in. Its cold and desolate melody repeats over and over, then reinforced by lively drumming and an eventual climax with psychedelic synths. Fantastic, but feels at odds with whats around it.

The next two tracks lean back into the soft rumblings of esoteric conjuring and perpetual solitude. Now bringing in the quiet percussive grooves again, the Noir Jazz vibes take hold and bestow an indulging mood for drizzle and sunless skies. Its use of dreary guitars and warm lumbering bass lines on the last song highlights some fantastic creativity. Its a mix of ideas achieving the same ends but the transition feels somewhat odd. The inclusion of two bonus instrumentals from the previous records was nice too. Those harsh and bleak howls seemed intrusive but hearing the songs without made it seem as if they belonged there all along.

Rating: 6/10