Saturday 11 May 2024

Arcanist "Avero​í​gne" (2024)


An unshakable grin emerged upon arrival of this record. Sadly, a single listen shattered that excitement and its not returned since. Avero​í​gne is a drastic departure from Poseidonis and Hyperborea. Gone is the Berlin School 70s electronic mystique. That esoteric tension has been dissipated, replace by Fantasy melodies and Folk instrumentation evoking ancient cultural charms. In brief stints it find charisma and conjures vivid visions. With other strides, an absence. The occasional clumsy folly of odd ideas spew in bursts, breaking up what spells it briefly builds anticipation for.

The first four songs feels separate. The acoustic guitars, akin to the Diablo soundtrack at its conclusion, define its new direction yet rarely does the music stirs much emotion. Its a meandering mess of ideas that lacks the grip on me to express its own purpose.

With the arpeggio rumble of old school synth, the two part Colossus Of Ylourgne feels like a bridge between the new direction and old. Its dramatic opening upends a monster of tension as fiery choral voices cry with demonic intent. Sadly, this dissipates swiftly, never to return as the music again meanders in many directions, even into a blast beat led Black Metal stint, reminiscent of Blut Aus Nord's Saturnian Poetry.

I've struggled to enjoy this one. Its has its moments but they are disconnected by a slew of ideas that to my memory feel less fleshed out and layered that what came before. You could tell me Avero​í​gne was made by a different artist and id believe it!

Rating: 4/10