Further exploring suggestions of proto-Black Metal coincidences we arrive at Arise! Amebix's sophomore effort venturing in 80s Heavy Metal. Casting of the shackles noisy Crust Punk tonality, stiff power chord oriented songs march through a metallic demeanor skating into Post-Punk territory for its hooks. Cutting riffs rot under tom pounding drums that lack an articulation fit for metallic aggression. Gruff heathen shouts spew forth, lacking charm, crying over a sea of mediocrity making strides for big theatrics. It falls short as repetitive song writing tends to sell its vision short.
Touches of something medieval, barbaric, even tribal emerge through lyrical suggestions and pounding repetition. Devoid of melody, this idea mostly emanates from front man Rob Miller. His rural presence conjuring similarities to an early Bathory. Songs could swiftly be transformed into grand visions with outbreaks of triumphant lead guitar melody, however they remain confined to the grinding shred and gallop of Heavy Metal rhythm guitar. Although to dated for my taste, it has some curious merits.
Rating: 4/10