Saturday, 31 December 2016

My Top 10 Albums Of 2016

So the year has come to a close and its been loaded with impressive releases, many of which were hard to cut from the list. Its surprising how some records seem fantastic at first then tire quickly, and others can sneak up on you over time. There has been variety but certainly no classics. As much as we have been spoiled with great music nothing ground breaking or earth shaking has reached my ears but rather a lot of records that make good on whats already known. If you didn't catch my top ten musical discoveries check it out here.

(10) Metallica "Hardwired To Self-Destruct" Link

It was a hard choice to put Hardwired on the list but I think merit has to be given to Metallica for finding a part of themselves that really works and putting it to record after many years of disappointment. Nothing like the good old days but they have churned out some new classics with this one.

(9) Korn "The Serenity Of Suffering" Link

This one wins worst album cover of the year, that's for sure. There has been no doubt in my mind it would make the list, the band somehow found a return to form after fourteen years of garbage. The Nu-Metal teen within me has been having a riot with this record.

(8) Lord Lovidicus "Book Of Lore Volume II - A Vespera Ad Lucem" Link

An initially uneventful record, its character and inspiration slowly emerges with each listen and before you know it the music is transforming your imagination and taking you to exotic sands far away.

(7) Avenged Sevenfold "The Stage" Link

An unexpected source of excellence, "The Stage" has Avenged searching for new ground and finding it on a record that's before solid and experimental where the band expand their horizons.

(6) Savages "Adore Life" Link

Overall, its probably not as good as their debut but the bar is already high and with their second record they established more sublime, charismatic songs and bolstered there live set with more engaging music
(5) Moonsorrow "Jumalten Aika" Link

I had barely listened to them before, maybe not at all but their 2016 release blew me away. In its immediacy its nothing special but as the songs progress and unfold they seem to have a magical engrossing quality that sucks you into their realm and hitting you with breakout moments and captivating melodies.

(4) Regina Spektor "Remember Us To Life" Link

Regina has such a charming honesty about her with music and I was unsure what to expect. It had been a while since she last caught my attention but this one has the best of her creativity, mirrored with passion, perspective and emotions that blossomed into gems of songs, each with their own charm.

(3) Plini "Handmade Cities" Link

A bright and colorful record that takes Metal music in a creative, luminous direction. The anticipation was certainly there and boy did it deliver! Ive listened to this countless times and its melodies are still as charming each time.

(2) Devin Townsend "Transcendence" Link

You can always rely on Devin to bring the musical inspiration. Initially I didn't quite feel it but as time went by the energy and wonder that radiates from such songs as "Stormbending" just wouldn't get out of my mind! It makes his recent output feel a step behind the feels this record brings.

(1) Death Grips "Bottomless Pit" Link

With the year passing by its proven to not but a perfect record but a large bulk of this one is exactly what I wanted, that sound they create crafted to the bouncy, mosh friendly side of groove they have. As the year goes on a can't stop myself from coming back to it again and again.